About Me

I love to make and create and explore, whenever possible. That means, making presents for kids parties, cooking a tasty homemade meal, baking some yummy treats, felting creatures, and illustrating my days of adventures with my family and my solo days.

I have illustrated for  the LA Times, and other periodicals. My portfolio can be seen at: www.littlelolo.com

Little Lolo is the name a friend game me, and I have carreied it with me, and it has been the name I have use for my stationery business.

I was fortunated enough to work with artist Hiro Yamagata on Earthly Paradise, painting detailed renderings on Mercedes Benz antique cars, and assisted on the 1996 Official Olympic Posters. These amazing, colorful, exotic cars have traveled the world.

Want to chat, send me a note: lauren@littlelolo.com.

1 comment:

Chen Sei Ho said...

you are amazing I feel like I know you

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