Monday, February 05, 2018

February 5th

It has been so long as I sometimes don't know what to share, and I realize as I read other blogs, and reflect on the reason I started a blog, I loved this medium as a journal. When I began my blog I was in my 30's, and now I am encroaching on 50, wow, this coming April. As I navigate this digital world, and am amongst other illustrators who grew up in the digital age, I feel like I am missing something.

How do I feel the same confidence I did, and communicate in this vastly different world. I realize my audience is in a different world that me, unapproachable in person, and I like the real person. As a result, I abstain from communicating online, and there has been a cost. I am alone in this world of art, as I walk along other mothers, away from other artists. I get stuck on how much to share, what to post, and then I don't post anything. I realize, just go and share my process.

How can I process and navigate as a middle age, artistic, mom who struggle with ADHD, and still do it all.   Can be the expert in my own little life, and share my accomplishments and struggles?

Today was one of those days, do you have these? I had such a hard time, starting an editorial project. So I got down to listening to a fellow artist, and writing and drawing all I have done in the last several weeks, and all the things I need to plan for the months to follow. This helped me so much.

•Middle school to apply to
•Party to plan
•summer travel plans to make
•spring break plans to make
•kids activities to plan- Valentine party
•Illustration to sketch
•Class project to do
•Reflection on the past couple of weeks, and realize what I did accomplish

No wonder I couldn't work, too much in my head, and when I got it on paper I was released.

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