Friday, July 21, 2006

What I have done

I had a lightflash, that projected my state of mind. I realized I was obsessed with what I wasn't doing and I haven't acknowledged what I have done.

-growing a baby day by day
-hospital bag illustration
-Farmers Market Illustration
-Painted rocks
-La Times Illustration - Bordeaux
-LA Times Illustration - poppies
-custom thank you notes
-baby room
-decluttering the house

That looks pretty good to me. So today, I change my attitude . . . for good. Do art because I love it. Not for it to be seen. But for the necessity of it. And life will take its our course. Share it on this blog, give it to friends.

Don't speak about what I'm not doing, but what I have done. I realize negativity become the truth. Remember "everyday matters"; to change your attitude, to recreate, to be new. Do things you want to. . . No rational. Good-bye bad attitude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent attitude. Growing a baby is work. Keep at it mama!

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